Friday, July 20, 2012

Good News!

So apparently sometimes patience does pay off!  God does listen to my prayers, and he does answer them!

This morning I was offered a job.  Wonderful news!  I have been searching for a job since March.  While this is not a teaching job, it is still a job.  I actually love what I know about the company so far, and I think that it is a position that I could become passionate about.  It may not be in my major, but I still believe I will be able to put my skills and talents to work there.  Right now I am hoping to start in two weeks.  Life is moving very fast!

This week had the potential to be the best week of my life, a great week, or a devastating one.  This week was the week that I would find out if I was pregnant after cycle 13 of trying, and it was also the week that I knew I would hear back about this job.  I prayed earnestly to God for good news on both fronts, and I daydreamed about how exciting it would be to be pregnant and get a job all at once!  But what I pleaded for is that at least one good thing would happen to me this week.  I knew that it would be devastating to not get the job and not be pregnant, and while I knew I could handle it with God's help, I very much did not want to.

But God is meeting our needs.  God has provided me with a job.  And even though finding a job is in no way related to TTC, I still feel hopeful about that journey as well.  I know that God loves me, cares about me, and does in fact answer prayers with a "yes" sometimes!

I watched "Facing the Giants" this week, and this movie reminded me that it is important to praise God when things go well, and also when things do not go the way we want them to, or when everything seems hopeless.  God is worthy of our praise regardless of the difficulties in our lives.  After watching this movie I resolved that even if I was not pregnant and did not get this job, that I would still praise God and put my trust in him.  Thankfully, I get to praise God and thank him for giving me this opportunity!  And I know that even though we still do not have our baby, God can provide that wonderful blessing in his own timing.  And however long we have to wait, it will be worth it!

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