Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Today on Mother's Day I just want to take a minute to acknowledge all the women out there for whom this day is especially difficult. I know last year Mother's Day was a very hard day for me, and I know that for many others, Mother's Day can be much, much harder.

Last year Mother's Day came right after the 1 year of TTC mark. It was a hard time, because I knew that having a baby was not happening for us the way it was supposed to, but at that point I had no answers and no idea if it would ever happen, how it would happen, or how long I would have to wait. I know that this year would have been even harder for me if it weren't for our miracle little one that we are expecting.

But some women have been through so much more than I have, and I know my experience is only a taste of what they have been through. Some have lost babies, before or after their birth, and some have been trying or struggling with infertility for many years. There are many reasons why Mother's Day can be a hard day for many women, and I just want to acknowledge that. There is very little that we can do to make this day easier, but for those of us who have been blessed with children, just acknowledging how blessed we are to be mothers does help somewhat. Never take the gift of parenthood for granted.

Since it is Mother's Day today, I also want to acknowledge and thank God for my wonderful mother, who has been an immeasurable blessing in my life. I think about what a wonderful example she has set for me, how much time and energy she poured into raising me, and how she is still to this day always there for me, even when we are hundreds of miles apart. I remember when I was a pre-teen and young teenager living in the fear that I would turn into my mother. Now, I pray that I do. I hope that I can be even close to as good of a mother as my mom is. Mom, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is one of the very best moms I know. Your child would be very blessed if you were as good of a mom as she was to you.
