Monday, June 23, 2014

Faith and Family Series - Jennifer's Family

For my third post in the Faith and Family series I would like to introduce you to Jennifer. Jennifer was my next-door-neighbor for the past year, and it was such a joy get to know her and her beautiful family. Her kids are funny and sweet, and I had many fascinating conversations with them outside our apartment building over the past year. I am very grateful to Jennifer for taking the time to do this, even while she was in the middle of a big move and transition for her family.

Let's go to the questions!

Tell me about your family. 

We’re a family with 4 kiddos. My husband and I have been married about 6.5 years. We have a 5yr old girl, a 3yr old boy, a 16month girl, and a girl on the way. One thing you should know about us is that we’re in a time of transition as a family as we are just now making a big move from Saint Louis, Missouri to western Texas.

Tell me about something your family does that you are very proud of.

Our family works to put faith and understanding why we have faith above other things with our children. We pray with them, teach them about the Bible, catechism, and about the church seasons in a way they can understand. The older two especially love learning these things and will often ask questions in hopes of learning from Daddy. We also have developed traditions around major holidays that focus on matters of faith and teaching.

Tell me about something that your family does that you are still working on.

We’re always working on patience, gentleness, and responding to our children in love. We’re also always working to teach them to have those same qualities in their interactions with one another. Three young children in the house can make things feel chaotic at times and sometimes it’s better to give in to chaos than give in to unreasonable expectations. It’s wonderful to have biblical examples of what loving parenting is.

If you were raised in a Christian home, what is something that your parents did when you were a child that made a lasting impact on you and your faith as an adult? 

I was not raised in a Christian home. My husband was and it’s fun to continue the Christian traditions with our children that he did with his family. We use the same bedtime prayer he said with his parents as a kid; we make a birthday cake for Jesus around Christmas time; and we involve our children in church services and training as well. I had some wonderful childhood traditions that we still keep with our kiddos as well.

What is something that is very important to you when raising your kids that you think a lot of Christian parents miss? 

I think it’s important that Christian parents know that they don’t have to be perfect. Be gentle, loving, and patient but when you’re not remember to forgive yourself.

What is the number one thing that you want your children always to know about God, faith, and their relationship with Him? 

I always want my children to know that God loves and forgives them so freely that it is worth living to honor Him above all other forms of comfort found outside of God.

To see future posts in the Faith and Family series, follow my blog by liking Learning to Trust on Facebook or by using Bloglovin or subscribing via email. I have at least one more post planned for this series, and I don't want you to miss it! If you would like to be a interviewed, let me know.

Please check the other two guest posts in the series so far:  Melissande's Family and Kimberly's Family.

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