Friday, March 20, 2015

The Gift of Pregnancy

In about five months our family will change in a big way. We will go from a family of three to a family of four. My baby girl will be a big sister, no longer the baby or only child of the family. We will have two precious children to love, care for, get to know, and enjoy. 

Of course, we really are already a family of four, even if most of the changes will come later. Pregnancy is such an interesting time. There  is so much anticipation, so much waiting, so many questions, so many possibilities. I tell my daughter about the baby in my tummy, but I don't think she understands quite yet. I talk to my husband about all the symptoms I have, or if I feel the baby moving, or the puzzle over what to wear in that awkward stage between your regular clothes and maternity clothes. He listens and is genuinely interested and supportive, but so far I am the one experiencing most aspects of this pregnancy.

Some days I love talking about being pregnant with friends and family. Sometimes I want to dream, plan, and share symptoms. But sometimes I like to really enjoy that right now, I am the one who is close to this baby. I am the one who will feel him or her move. I am the one who will know what time of day he or she tends to get hiccups. I have the honor of carrying this little one with me everywhere I go. 

In five months the rest of the world will get to meet this new, precious little person. My family will embrace him or her with open arms. My friends will come visit and ooh and ah over the inevitable adorableness. People at church will ask to hold the baby and tell us how perfect he or she is. Strangers on the street will ask me questions and compliment my little one. This baby will be blessed to be born into a world with so many people lining up to meet and love him or her. 

But right now and for the next five months I get a head start. I get to know and love this baby first. I get to experience a part of who this little person is before anyone else meets him or her. Sometimes I like to talk and share about my pregnancy, but other times I like to hold this little one close and treasure this time I have all to myself. I can't wait to meet my little one in August, but I also love this special time we have together before  that official introduction. This time is precious. This time is intimate. This time is personal. 

Pregnancy is a gift, and one I refuse to take for granted. It is so short. It feels long when you are in it, but once it's over the memory feels so remote and distant. I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to experience this all again. But this time will be different and special in its own way, because this baby is a different sweet little person just waiting to get to know us. 

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